The ever beautiful Holly Gallery

Holly holding the Charmed Ones together in an early promo

Holly in red. Oooh.

Another wallpaper from the affiliate

Bite Me: Put the cross down, Phoebe.

Paige in the hospital and Piper wonders how come she's the only sane Halliwell left.

Piper in A Knight to Remember. Such a pretty picture

Paige is invited to sit at THE table. Gasp!

Even in morning Piper looks stunning.

Oh to be a musical guest at P3... How your career must take off. *cough*

Piper in Limbo about thisclose to joining Prue in the afterlife.

Eeep!  Piper goes overboard with the eyeliner!

Piper and Paige bond early on.

Phoebe and Piper learns what happens when Phoebe doesn't use her brain.

More joy from A Knight to Remember!

Someone seems to be amused.

Perhaps they took a wrong turn at the 1600's...

What is Phoebe wearing?

Again I wonder about Phoebe's fashion.

Meet Paige Matthews, the newest Charmed One.

Piper mourns Prue's death.

Still mourning, give her space.

The power of .3!

She does not look happy.

Careful girls, he might have something you can't give back.

Holly in jeans. Ooh, ahh.

I. Love. This. Picture.

Thanks to Jason on TS3 [Charmedpozone] who found this picture.

One of the niftier S4 promos

Beware the gaze.  She'll bewitch you.

Not my favorite, no.

Smile pretty for us!

One of the WB's ecards, this is the Holly only version.

Alyssa scares me in this E-card...

Close up of Holly's face.

Kinda blue-tinged photo with Holly looking wonderful.

She looks sort of lonely, no?

She can see you. Eep!

Holly wallpaper from one of the WB affiliate sites.

Another wallpaper from the same affilate site.

Strange picture, yet it grows on you.

Holly cut from a group photo. Oooh

Holly cut from another group photo. Still pink shirt

For some reason I love her dress.

Finally, a Piper/Leo romantic scene. Only took half a season.

Piper and Phoebe realize Paige really is their sister.

Yes, there _is_ a similar picture in the WB gallery.

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